Wednesday, November 28, 2007


The newest member of our family.
Rory Dierickse born to Chris and Donna Dierickse, October 2007.
We all got to hold an spoil him when they came for a visit at Debi & Leon's.

Big sister Taryn showing pictures to little brother Jackson

Great Auntie Kathy gets spoiling priveledges with Uncle Bob looking on.

Ted & Laura with Tate on his daddy's head

Mr Tate, we just love those big eyes, he is so cute

Laura with Tate

Uncle Bob with Jackson on the bike. He sits up there, not afraid wanting to go for a ride. It is To cold otherwise uncle Bob would be dressed and he and Jackson would be out riding around town

Grandma and Poppa with 4 of their 5 grandchildren

Proud parents Chris and Donna with Rory.

Tate again

Grandma feeling Rory

Poppa with 2 of his boys...

Auntie Kathy with Tate

1 comment:

Alpicks Treasures said...

What a cute family you have. The baby is a doll. I can see why everyone was holding him and Tate, wow I love his eyes. Enjoy them.