Sister and I after all the
excitment. We put
our new jammy's
on and had
a hot cup of tea
My son and I
Richard helping
his Auntie do
potatoes for
Hubby and I
with one of
our presents
from our good
friends Jan &
Wayne They
were greblim
bells for our
Just chillin
Richard with one of his
many gifts
Auntie Laura with
Mr Tate isn't
he a cutie
Hubby dressed for
our walk around
the block
The 3 Amigos.
we made them all
sit on the couch
'and open there
presents at the same
Yep aren't they cute!
Richard telling us
all he needs is
mittens that
under his coat...
My hubby
Leon being silly
1 comment:
Merry Christmas! Hope that you had a great one!
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