Well I hope everyone had a good Christmas....
Sister and I finally took time last night to sit down and do a scrap book page. The only time we have had a chance to do it together is at our monthly Scrapbook Classes. Which by the way she was the monthly winner last month. She got to pick $200 worth of scrapbooking stuff to add to her collection. For Christmas Bob and I gave her a large square scrap booking box on wheels. She can now wheel her stuff to the table and it is all in one space. Richard gave her a couple of cases to add to her growing collection.
Anyway back to the scrapbook session. I finished my friendship page. It is a page with my friends Arlene and Linda when they came to Orillia to see Harold's show. It is really nice and I can hardly wait to show them.
Sister worked on a page showing the grandsons touching there Papa's beard. Jackson was so amazed that it was so soft. Gently with one hand then with both he was stroking it. Mr Tate on the other hand touched once with one hand then using both hands grabbed on to his beard. Papa couldn't say to much as this took place in church. After church we got Tate to touch Papa's beard again for a photo shot.
I do miss seeing our Gran babies but this was a choice I had to make. When we planned our trip 4 years ago there was no babies. (Thanks to the wonderful world of Internet we get pics of them. Thank you so much to our daughter Stephanie for doing this for us.). My time spending with my Western family is a once in a life time event. My grandmother is 90 now and other relatives are aging quickly. Time does not stand still for anyone.
Bob has had to go on insulin for all meals now. his pancreas is slowing shutting down. Alberta is a pioneer province for Islet Transplants so we will see if he is a candidate or not.
We had a great Christmas with family and new friends and look forward to the summer to travel and explore the Western Coast. Look out BC here we come, Los Vegas and all the rest.
We hope everyone has a safe and good 2008
Happy New Year
Katherine & Bob
Hello And how are things with you? I mailed you a Christmas card but it came back saying no such addy? I dont know. Hope that you had a nice Holiday. Happy 2008
I got your comment on my about joining the valentine swap, if your still interested send me your mailing addy, email and blog addy. After the 10th, I'll send you a list of names to make and send a card too, in which you will get that many in return. I just ask that if you committ, please don't let us down, haven't had a problem yet and wanna keep it that way! We'd love to have you join us, just let me know by the 10th!
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